Canyon Grasslands Fire Danger Rating Area

Hells Canyon is the primary feature, with the primary vegetation being grasses, although there are strings, or strips of forested areas. Much of the area consists of steep slopes with a very wide range of elevations, from the lowest elevations in the plan area to nearly the highest. Fire history in this area is notable in that it has relatively few fires, but has the highest number of large fires of the FDRAs.
Map of FDRAs
Fire Danger
Rating Area
2 Days Ago Yesterday Today 3 Day Average Forecast
10/19/2024 10/20/2024 10/21/2024   10/22/2024
2. Canyon Grasslands Fire Danger ERC 39 40 23 34 31
Moderate IC 14 21 0 12 3
BI 28 30 5 21 20
Dispatch Level WDY 99 95 94 96  
Green 1000h 13.3 13.7 14.1 13.7  
IFPL -0.8 -0.1 -3.2 -1.4 -2.4

Current Fire Danger Graphic
Energy Release Component Chart